
Aug 12, 2023

What Are Gerber Files for PCB Manufacturing?

Gerber files are a standard format used to describe the different layers, components, and aspects of a PCB design. Gerber Files are a set of ASCII or binary files that represent different layers of a PCB design, such as copper traces, solder masks, silkscreens, and more. Gerber files provide the information needed for PCB fabrication and assembly. Each layer is represented by a separate Gerber file.

top layer and drill

1. GTL - Gerber Top Layer (copper)
2. GTO - Gerber Top Overlay (silkscreen/legend)
3. GTS - Gerber Top Soldermask

4. GBL - Gerber Bottom Layer (copper)
5. GBO - Gerber Bottom Overlay (silkscreen/legend)
6. GBS - Gerber Bottom Soldermask

Edge Cut:
7. GKO - Gerber Keepout (board outline)

8. XLN - Excellon (PTH & NPTH)

PTH: plated through holes
NPTH: non-plated through holes

rendered gerber files

There are two major generations of Gerber format:

1. Extended Gerber (RS-274X):
This represents the contemporary and current Gerber format. In 2014, a significant expansion was introduced to the graphics format, enabling the inclusion of additional meta-information associated with the graphical elements. Files encompassing these augmented attributes are designated as X2 files, whereas those devoid of such attributes are categorized as X1 files.

2. Standard Gerber (RS-274-D):
This format, now obsolete, previously served as a cornerstone of the Gerber standard. However, it has since been discontinued and is no longer in use.

Here is a list of some popular Gerber Viewer software that you can consider for visualizing and inspecting gerber files:

  • KiCad Gerber Viewer
  • Gerbv
  • ViewMate
  • GC-Prevue
  • ODB++ Viewer
  • ZofzPCB
  • PentaLogix ViewMate